Tony, there's nothing stopping them from changing the hours; in fact, after they did away with the webshow, they experimented for a week or two with the show continuing to 1 AM, but, and this is a big but, they weren't permitted to show anything!!! Do you remember that? Can you think of anything more moronic or doomed to failure than that? It was tough on the girls because of course every caller's expectation was that they would go topless, and once it became clear that wasn't going to happen, calls stopped. So yes, they can extend or change the hours, but what's crucial is what the girls will be permitted and/or willing to do. For years I have advocated (and GrandDuke and others have agreed with this or with slightly different versions) dropping the 4 am spicy show (and that argument is even more compelling now that the TV audience is gone and no one is calling), starting at 6 am with dayshow and then having a proper night show from 10pm-midnight or 1 am. GrandDuke has always said he thinks they won't do it because TC would compete with the UK shows, and he may be right. Whatever the reason, if the girls were willing to do sexy and uncensored web shows (and recently aftershows), they can do night shows. The bottom line is that everyone will make more money (except us, we will bleed money!