• Taylors Tawny and a Monte Christo No2
  • Taylors Tawny and a Monte Christo No2

    Hilary Briss > 09/11/2013, 01:26

    I suppose the title says it all.

    I am halfway through a Monte Christo No 2.

    Listening to Brain Damage from The Dark Side of the Moon.

    The Port is a Taylors Tawny. I dont recall the year but it is exquisite.

    Eight minutes past midnight on a friday evening.

    The good lady has gone to bed, the children are all happy and healthy. My nearest and dearest are all in a good place.

    All is well in my world.

    Peace to you all. Except the silly murderous twats that think Jesus/Mohammed/whatever will save your sad insipid ass.

    Carry on.
  • RE: Taylors Tawny and a Monte Christo No2

    Hilary Briss > 09/11/2013, 12:53

    Dear old HappyTug, ones eloquence fair bought a tear to a chaps eye. ( No sniggering at the back, I said chaps, not japs. )

    They tell me Dock St Annie still rents her rooms by the hour, clean sheets are extra though, what do you reckon ? I'm in.
  • RE: Taylors Tawny and a Monte Christo No2

    Clitterbug > 09/11/2013, 15:28

    https://forum.rampant.tv/showthread.php?...#pid137671 As long as Rovers not been there before hand and sullied the sheets you should be ok!

    You have awakened my taste buds with talk of Taylors, its almost a year since my last, indeed i can tell you the exact date, 26/12/2012 a friend of mine came a visiting to share the yule tide fayre, we put large dents in bottles of Taylors and some excellent V.S.O.P, try them together P & B is very warming.

    Roll on Chrismas, roll into bed!
  • RE: Taylors Tawny and a Monte Christo No2

    Hilary Briss > 09/11/2013, 22:04

    (09/11/2013, 15:28)clitterbug Wrote: https://forum.rampant.tv/showthread.php?...#pid137671 As long as Rovers not been there before hand and sullied the sheets you should be ok!

    You have awakened my taste buds with talk of Taylors, its almost a year since my last, indeed i can tell you the exact date, 26/12/2012 a friend of mine came a visiting to share the yule tide fayre, we put large dents in bottles of Taylors and some excellent V.S.O.P, try them together P & B is very warming.

    Roll on Chrismas, roll into bed!

    Sir. One never mixes a fine port with anything other than a decent cuban, and with luck the company of a well bred filly.

    However should one find oneself in reduced circustances, and the servants port is all one can muster, then and only then, one might consider a french kiss.

    Thankfully reduced circumstances and Lord Briss have never been properly introduced. Tonights entertainment is delivered courtesy of a rather cheeky Rioja and a Cohiba Siglo IV.

    The difficulties a chap must deal with.......
  • RE: Taylors Tawny and a Monte Christo No2

    Clitterbug > 09/11/2013, 23:29

    Sir i doff my cap!
  • RE: Taylors Tawny and a Monte Christo No2

    Hilary Briss > 10/11/2013, 00:08

    (09/11/2013, 23:29)clitterbug Wrote: Sir i doff my cap!


    Interesting euthanism.

  • RE: Taylors Tawny and a Monte Christo No2

    Clitterbug > 10/11/2013, 02:12

    [Image: -72i] [Image: -72j]
    Well the Faustino has been well & truely quaffed! in fact im on my 4th snifter of B I H, and fine it is too! i have one L & B calling me toward the back door, do i give in and smoke it now or just hold it twixt lips whilst sipping more honey?

    Im sure im not the 1st to hold this dilemna, and in a perfect world Cuban leaves would be harmless and Mrs Bug wouldnt mind the rich aroma of a piece of rustic art rolled on a dusky Cuban virgins thigh!

    But here i am in an industrial northern town on a cold rainy night wishing i was stationed on a Central American/Caribbean archipelago, sunning myself and dipping the toe of a not inexpencive Stogie into my spiced rum while Carmen tends my needs!

    A man can dream!
  • RE: Taylors Tawny and a Monte Christo No2

    StrumSolo > 12/11/2013, 14:38

    Tin of Fosters and a Golden Virginia roll-up for me. But then with the amount of crack I smoke, sacrifices just have to be made elsewhere.
  • RE: Taylors Tawny and a Monte Christo No2

    Hilary Briss > 12/11/2013, 14:43

    (12/11/2013, 14:38)ScottyRampant Wrote: Tin of Fosters and a Golden Virginia roll-up for me. But then with the amount of crack I smoke, sacrifices just have to be made elsewhere.


    That and the close harmony cap doffing.
