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Meet the happily married couple who build sex robots together

03/05/2018, 13:34
Post: #1
Meet the happily married couple who build sex robots together
Who says that sex robots are only for single losers?! Robotics genuis Dr Sergi Santos and his wife Maritsa Kissamitaki have been making and using sex robots for the past 16 years.

[Image: 2caod]

Sergi and Maritsa are the braniacs behind Samantha, an artificial intelligent love doll. Samantha has three different sexual personas, ranging from shy to a raging nympho. Sergi says that Samantha actually improves his marriage with Maritsa, as he can just bang Samantha when his wife isn't in the mood. Sergi says:
Quote:A man wants to feel in general that the woman is desperate to have sex with him, and if a man feels like the woman will not enjoy sex fully, most men do not like the sex. And this is the cause of many sexual problems. Because me and my wife for example, I need sex some times of the day that my wife doesn’t want to, and I said, “Look, sex is breaking many relationships because of lack of synchronism” and I would not put that pressure on my marriage.

I’ve had couples coming in and just by the way they look I think, “this couple is in trouble”, because one of the two is not having enough sex at the right time. Any of us can have this problem and eventually could divorce. So if I have the doll I’ll not divorce because of sex. In my case I think that’s good enough.

[Image: 2caoe]
Sergi says it was his wife who gave him the idea to implant his AI network into a sex doll and now, the pair have a successful business together, Synthea Amatus, where they sell dolls for £5k a pop. Sergi's wife Maritsa said:
Quote:It didn’t start as making a sex robot. It started as creating a brain. As he was working on that, it became obvious we needed some sort of body or object to house this brain. Then I discovered that sex dolls exist, and thought, "this is absolutely perfect." We started researching it and found out, before anyone was making the robots, that wives were buying them for their husbands because they understand the kind of need that their husbands have, and how this could benefit their relationship.

People tend to ask me questions; "Ohh, what did you think when he said he would do this?" As if they think that I came home from work one day and I found the doll sitting on my sofa. It wasn’t like that at all.

Ha. That would be a seriously weird sight, to come home and find your partner balls deep in a robot.

Sergi plans to build a male sex robot, but says that he doesn't want his wife to shag it in case she prefers it to him. Slight double standards there mate. However, Maritsa is keen to try it if they build one. I guess Sergi will be the one coming home to find his wife spinning on robo-cock!

[Image: 2caoi]

The couple predict that in the next 5 years, some people will be choosing robots over humans. I suppose if you had to choose between this munter or a robot, it's obvious who would win...

[Image: 2caol]

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