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Lamborghini Murcielago - Like a Boss

03/07/2013, 13:53
Post: #1
Lamborghini Murcielago - Like a Boss
Do you sometimes despair at how long it takes you to drive from one bitches' crib to another? I know I do.

Well help could be at hand. Rick Ross (a man who knows a thing or two about procuring pussy) is selling his Murcielago. For just $210,000 you too can travel like a boss and never miss a booty call again.

Here's Rick himself posing next to it with one of his esteemed homies.

[Image: xbem.jpg]

It just goes to show, even fat guys can get laid if they've got the right motor. Only 25,000 miles on the clock as well.

[Image: 22c_1.gif]
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03/07/2013, 14:06
Post: #2
RE: Lamborghini Murcielago - Like a Boss
Here's the ebay link if anyone's interested -

[Image: 22c_1.gif]
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03/07/2013, 14:07
Post: #3
RE: Lamborghini Murcielago - Like a Boss
[Image: 16152348_2.jpg] [Image: 16152352_Forklift_3.jpg] I believe hes now after one of these to lift his gut up over his bitches ass!
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vip lorensimon lorensimon, Timm24
03/07/2013, 15:20
Post: #4
RE: Lamborghini Murcielago - Like a Boss
[Image: 16152690_KGrHqZ_qgFGekKZpYsBRpOedNu7g60_3.jpg] Just had a look on the ebay link, only 25,000 on the clock that's just 12,500 trips to his local KFC! $210,000 is a bit much though, he will be lucky to get half of that, the suspension looks fucked on the drivers side! any potential buyers should tell him to take it to Mc Donalds auto repair first!
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StrumSolo, Timm24
05/07/2013, 08:25
Post: #5
RE: Lamborghini Murcielago - Like a Boss
Girls logic xD
[Image: 1017488_671819782835080_202423056_n.jpg]
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