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Just Keep Paying!

08/12/2020, 13:00 (This post was last modified: 08/12/2020, 13:04 by spitefulI.)
Post: #1
Just Keep Paying!
There's nothing I love more in life than paying taxes. Every time I see my pay check and I see money going to the government, well..... I just get a warm feeling inside, almost a swelling of the heart. There's nothing in life more rewarding than giving more and more and more money to Matt Hancock. The government just does so much for me.

Imagine giving the health secretary a pay rise. Think of the irony in that one. Why do we keep giving pay rises to people who can't even square a balance sheet. Here you go, have more money, so you can borrow more money.

[Image: 2wl-g]
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