Brian did it ?
Hilary Briss > 04/12/2013, 17:01
RE: Brian did it ?
RussyRover > 04/12/2013, 17:15
lol, yeah it's a serious matter cos Paul Walker was such a HUGE star.... of course the Illuminati control everything and the impending comet in our vicinity is bringing back our alien lizard overlord masters and we will all be subjected to terrible times and hard recession.. oh wait....
What they didn't show in that clip was the huge bag of pot they both smoked before making that clip.... -
RE: Brian did it ?
Clitterbug > 04/12/2013, 17:17
She wonders what going on? I wonder about her? I wonder, what is it she's saying, did as Briss deduces 'Brian do it' or was it 'The Maaan' these fucking wankers wanna give their narcoic raddled brains an occasional day off.
Statistically 46% of them are American! -
RE: Brian did it ?
RussyRover > 04/12/2013, 17:25
Does this pair fall into the 46% who believe the world is less than 10000 years old or the other 46% who have no idea what meds they're taking... or more likely these geniuses fall into the overlap group... -
RE: Brian did it ?
StrumSolo > 04/12/2013, 17:50
"So any time there's a story like this I always do some more research through Google" - Good old Google, 100% trustworthy, an Illuminati-free zone if ever there was one.
Thing is, if I was running an Illuminati-type outfit, I'd be quite happy to have a load of stoned idiots flooding the internet with half-arsed conspiracy theories about my supposed activity. While they were all distracted with that bollocks I could happily exploit them in plain sight. -
RE: Brian did it ?
RussyRover > 04/12/2013, 18:27
Ahem - waving hand nonchalantly - 'these aren't the droids you're looking for'
you mean google, the non tax paying uber trustworthy organisation that skims all your e-mails to target you with specific advertising....
I love reading about these so called conspiracies, always guaranteed to put a smile on your face, and to be honest without them, there would be so many less books and films around... Now I must go and call the Grand Wizard and update him on todays events... -
RE: Brian did it ?
Clitterbug > 04/12/2013, 18:41
I have absolutey no idea who Paul Walker is {i must take Kimberly Denise's advise and google him} im far more concerned about Brian, is he really dead? i hope not i fucking luv that dog!
Losing Cleaveland to another far inferior, dare i say crap show is one thing, but if Seth McFarlane thinks he can drop one of the main stays of F G without me complaining hes got another thing coming, i shall be right on the phone to Dubya and his shadowy underlings to black ball McFarlanes ass right outa Holywood! God dammid! -
RE: Brian did it ?
Clitterbug > 04/12/2013, 18:54
Fast & Furious, is that the onenists guide to a good nights sleep? the chapter about trying to get to the vinegar strokes before your credit runs out on a Rampant girlie! -
RE: Brian did it ?
Hilary Briss > 04/12/2013, 20:20
Well our intrepid duo have inspired me to go out and find what is really going on.
Google here i come.
Dont worry my liver addled scouse underling, I wont leave you in the dark, I will be back armed with the trusty sword of truth and the shield of traditional British fair play !