Another day, another public shitting incident. Why can’t people just find a loo?! This time we’re heading over to Massachussets where a lady was caught taking a dump in a car park EIGHT times!!!!
Andrea Grocer AKA Parking Lot Pooper was caught at 7am on Wednesday in the car park Just outside a Natick Outdoor Store. Apparently she was just hanging her ass out of the door of her Lincoln MKX SUV and laying a massive shit. Bit weird! When questioned by police, Andrea blamed it on her irritable bowel syndrome but the fact she was seen sitting in her car and waiting for the traffic to die down before laying her turd shows it was premeditated. Here’s what the owner of Natick Outdoor Store had to say:
Quote:I have no idea who she is. This has been ongoing. She has defecated quite often over here. There’s nothing more disgusting coming into your parking lot in the morning and seeing a pile of human excrement.
Yeah that must be pretty grim. Andrea’s lawyer stood up in court and called her a “pillar of the community”, which I’m a bit dubious about. No upstanding citizen decides to start shitting in car parks. Dogging maybe, but not shitting! Of all the things to be arrested for, shitting in public is definitely one of the most humiliating!