WHY was Lori on BSX???
sayvia > 27/03/2016, 02:02
Hey y'all,
I'm not surprised but still pissed as to why whatever producer even bothered having Lori on BSX? There is no justification!!!
There is no excuse either in saying they have to fill up 3 slots or something, if a model doesn't wanna show her pussy, then they are missing the 'x' of BSX! Lori barely had a call last more than 3 mins, it's fine when she is shouting rubbish on the regular channels, but screaming at the cameraman for pointing the cam at her pussy, err that's his job you dumb mf, and then saying 'the rules are different on BSX' well frankly, she didn't do anything different, and frankly she did more when she went back onto Babenation!
Don't get me wrong, I think she is hot/fit, and I'd love to see her pussy, but if she won't show it, keep her on the TV Channels! Dannii Harwood showed more in pussy slips on Good Friday than Lori did on BSX just now, I'd also love to see Dannii's pussy properly too, but if she isn't going to shiw it then she shouldn't be on BSX either no matter how much I'd want her there!
Lucy Summers did a few non pussy BSX appearances early on too, that was a waste as well, but at least NOW she will show her pussy, and Kerrie had two decent appearances on BSX, she kept covering her pussy too much either by hand or cream saturating, but at least we could see it!
For the record Preeeti doesn't seem to show it on BSX either, but there is plenty pix out there, plus I'm not into her anyway. I like seeing Lynda on BSX, but I'd like her to get naked and show pussy, she never does both!