RE: Web show phone calls
GrandDuke > 02/08/2018, 15:48
So that is why I had to ring Daisy at 9-59pm, much later than planned. She had sent Alice away to get changed, so I knew that I did not have long. I had just reached the point in the menu where I had to put in my pin number, when I saw the screen go black, despite not being quite 10pm yet.
Surprised and disappointed, I hurriedly ended the call without entering my pin to avoid being charged. No sooner had I done that than the picture came back up again! What the **** was going on! I quickly picked up the phone and dialled again but before I could even get to my pin number this time around, the stream reverted to the test card and this time it was terminal.
Daisy had ended the stream dead on 10pm when just delaying it by a minute would have got her a phone call. Pity.