how becumming > 09/05/2022, 01:20
how much more shit do these programmes have to become before they are fucked off? -
RE: unbelievable
FantasticMR > 09/05/2022, 07:27
Don’teave us in the dark mate, what’s ground your gears? -
RE: unbelievable
Harddick988 > 09/05/2022, 14:13
FantasticMr. BSX has gone. The channel has been replaced by the VIP shows. The channel was a brilliant channel. The channel brought us so much entertainment and showing us the babes from the sextstation days. Then it was taken away from us. Absolutely unbelievable.
The new restrictions came in and unfortunately that might have had something to do with it. Maybe this is where it has to go through the bad phase and then at the end of the tunnel we see the new phase. I am sure things will pick up as a lot of the babes have gone on holiday which might explain what is happening right now.
Summer is round the corner. Let's hope things pick up. Any chance of BSX coming back please? There's a Jack Daniels in it for you FantasticMr if you can bring back the channel.
RE: unbelievable
how becumming > 20/05/2022, 00:25
Restrictions? the only restrictions there are, is the resrictions that they the channels have introduced, introduced to seperate you and your money. These channels have the freedom to push the bounderies as far as they want. And that explains everything, they don't fucking want to. Why? Because there are enough stupid fucking wankers out there willing to pay to see these second rate models ripping them off. In other words the channels are no longer willing to give something for nothing. -
RE: unbelievable
FantasticMR > 20/05/2022, 08:31
(20/05/2022, 00:25)how becumming Wrote: In other words the channels are no longer willing to give something for nothing.
Here here, it’s such a shame that women on these channels won’t undress themselves and perform sexual acts for free. Who do they think they are? Take me back to the good old days when women would perform on demand as told. -
RE: unbelievable
Harddick988 > 20/05/2022, 08:40
The models can't really be blamed because the restrictions only allow the babes to do what they can do within the boundaries of the restrictions but your are right some of them do take the piss. Some need a very heavy dose of kriptonite. Mate have you got any kriptonite? Those models taking the piss definitely need a first dose. I might need a second lol.
Sorry only joking there. I hear you. That's up to them if they want to pay the models who might not be to our taste but who are to other tastes as we are all different and have different preferences. It's up to these guys to look out for themselves. It's their lookout at the end of the day and this is a business and I don't need to say anymore on that. I heard you ages ago bro. Will or have others? I very much doubt it. It's sometimes a case of never see, never learn. So I'll leave that there. -
RE: unbelievable
kingkipling > 25/10/2022, 23:13
I get where people are coming from on this.
This site used to be great in the Sexstation days and even right up until the pay walls were introduced. The content was much better and there seemed to be a lot more creativity such as themes etc.
In the first instance the admins told users that these pay walls were introduced due to new legislation that was imposed on them. What they failed to mention, is it was actually them imposing this 'legislation' on themselves. Not any sort of government or regulating body.
Theres been a few threads discussing this topic and on a lot of occasions it's the so called 'freeloaders' (people viewing the channels without paying or tipping) that get the blame, especially in the eyes of paying users of the site.
The implementation of these pay walls may have totally got rid of the so called 'freeloaders' however the oversight is that site traffic also generates income through advertisements.
The question is will the 'new' paywalls format endure? Or will we see some of the older freedoms back? As I'm going to guess profits we're also much better back in the golden days. -
RE: unbelievable
FantasticMR > 26/10/2022, 06:34
(25/10/2022, 23:13)kingkipling Wrote: I get where people are coming from on this.
In the first instance the admins told users that these pay walls were introduced due to new legislation that was imposed on them. What they failed to mention, is it was actually them imposing this 'legislation' on themselves. Not any sort of government or regulating body.
The implementation of these pay walls may have totally got rid of the so called 'freeloaders' however the oversight is that site traffic also generates income through advertisements.
Point 1 - Incorrect. Ofcom rules state that any site which falls under their jurisdiction which we do must not show content stronger than topless in a free to view area. We comply with this.
Point 2 - Incorrect. This site does not monetise ad space. We only advertise our own products and offers to our members.
It’s not that I have problem with what you want to see on the site but it’s pretty bad to spout falsities to support your claims. -
RE: unbelievable
claydavis > 31/10/2022, 00:19
This thread reminds me of one of my favourite quotes from The Wire.
Bodie: "Shit man, yo, if this was the old days."
Slim Charles: "Yeah now, well, the thing about the old days... they the old days."
Are the channels perfect? No, nothing in life is. Can the channels be improved? Yes, everything in life can always be improved. Personally I'd love to see an in improvement in terms of production values. I'm not looking for Steven Spielberg quality directing, Ruth E Carter costume design, Hannah Beechler production design, Charlie Kauffman screenwriting, Roger Deakins cinematography or epic John Williams scores, but it would be nice if the camera, lighting, sound, technology and studios were a bit better quality. And a few more events throughout the year like cosplay weekend during Halloween would be nice too. Given that this is all part of the business called show, I'm sure if everyone spent money towards the type of content they would like to see, then I'm sure all the data gathered and profits earned, would lead to more of the type of stuff you'd like to see being made on here. There does appears to be a significant number of users on this site that want everything for nothing and if they don't get it then they throw their toys out the pram in the freechat. It's almost as if they feel entitled to demand the world from a babe, but feel outraged if they're asked to spend any money towards it. This is probably an unpopular opinion amongst other fans on here, but I think only the people that contribute towards a tip goal should be able to watch them. It's so annoying when users that didn't pay for them comment in the freechat about how much they enjoyed the tip goal show, or when the tip goal show will happen, or did they miss the tip goal show. Some viewers of the shows seem to just lurk on here 24/7 recording shows, asking questions and giving compliments. Instead of spending their money on the babes they like by calling, tipping, camming and buzzing. It would be interesting to see what they would do if they were forced to pay to watch channels and pay to use the freechat. If it was up to me I'd charge ten credits to send a message in the freechat and fifty credits to send a private message. I'd make users pay to watch the streams for an extended period of time too. My opinion isn't more important than anyone else's on this subject. At the end of the day this place is about having a bit of fun, and if it isn't fun anymore, and you think it isn't worth your free time or your hard earned money, then at least there are millions of free websites and babes that I'm sure you'll find more enjoyable.
If all of the above was too much to read, then I'll let Ritchie from the TV show "The Bear" explain it a little bit more succinctly lol.