Lovely_Pat > 15/03/2019, 01:35
burns72 > 15/03/2019, 09:13
ReturnOfDeMac > 15/03/2019, 10:34
mark.s.. > 15/03/2019, 10:37
mark.s.. > 15/03/2019, 10:44
parkaner > 15/03/2019, 15:10
GrandDuke > 15/03/2019, 16:35
FantasticMR > 15/03/2019, 16:47
StrumSolo > 15/03/2019, 16:47
(15/03/2019, 16:35)GrandDuke Wrote: I think the 1st April implementation date has now been scrapped but I think they have said that they still plan to implement it later on next month. Security is a massive issue with this plan, as the AGE verification company will have the names and addresses and possibly credit card details of thousands if not millions of men in the UK who access porn.
How much money would that information be worth to criminals for blackmail purposes? You can bet half the worlds hackers will be trying to get their hands on that as it would be more valuable than gold to them. Even foreign governments could try to obtain this information which could then be used for political manipulation or for influencing future espionage operations that involved high profile political figures.
A terrible idea all round and will probably lead to a big loss of business for any websites affected as many customers will be put off by the idea of having their web access history tracked by commercial third parties. The additional cost of computer development of a landing page where customers would first go to enter their ID will be beyond the capacity of small websites who could go bust, leaving only the bigger players to corner the market. Every time you log onto a website using your age verification ID this will be captured by the company doing the checks so Big Brother has finally arrived.
mark.s.. > 16/03/2019, 06:02