Tweeting George Osborne
StrumSolo > 08/01/2014, 12:42
Step 1. Read 15 Tweets To George Osborne That Will Cheer You Up for a bit of inspiration.
Step 2. Get yourself over to his twitter page.
Step 3. Tell him how much of a prick he is.
Come on lads, we're all in this together. Let's do the right thing! -
RE: Tweeting George Osbourne
Clitterbug > 08/01/2014, 14:18
I did enjoy that, unfortunately i cant tweet him as id have to make up some new swear words to emphasize how much i hate him and his jolly boating fellows, i could hybrid a few expletives and call him a bastucking shitard twunt! but that just dosnt convey the contempt i have for him and his Bullingdon Club Boys! ~#~*@*@*@*@*@*@~#~ -
RE: Tweeting George Osborne
RussyRover > 08/01/2014, 15:51
Nice one Scotty, you've got Mr Angry from Liverpool all riled up again.. I think George is a nice chap, just a bit mis-understood that's all, like he mis-understood the economy, he mis-understood what it's really like to live in Britain these days.. Now I must go and crayon him a nice picture so he can hang it on the wall over his manterpiece...