Tip Goal Shows
claydavis > 31/10/2022, 00:27
Should tip goal shows only be available to be watched by the fans that paid towards them? -
RE: Tip Goal Shows
claydavis > 12/04/2023, 00:33
I thought someone would've voted "Yes" that Tip Goal Shows should be free to watch, even when you've not paid towards them. I can only comment on Tanya's shows they're the only ones I tend to watch and I'll always pay towards her tip goals, despite rarely having the chance to watch them due to being at work. It appears that she'll always have about fifty people watching the entirety of her shows from start to finish. Of that fifty, only about five people will pay towards the Tip Goal and then once the Tip Goal show starts almost a hundred people will watch it.
One more thing, which is slightly off tangent, but please could the tech geniuses on this wonderful website, please give Tanya (and all the other babes) the ability to permanently ban users from watching their shows. I only raise this point because someone wrote racial abuse to her the other day in the freechat. I'm sure there are various protocols to stop stuff like this from happening but it'd be nice if they could be increased. -
RE: Tip Goal Shows
claydavis > 23/05/2023, 23:25
I've only just realised that I voted No when I should've chosen Yes.
Anyway, slightly off-topic. I just saw a bunch of incels on here upset Rebecca Kelly with comments in her freechat, and I was thinking that imagine there was a strip club that was open twenty four hours a day three hundred and sixty five days a year. That you could walk into for free, no matter where you are in the world and watch women strip naked for free and say anything you like to them. Watch every main stage striptease, and walk into every private one to one lapdance without paying. Demand that the stripper wear a different outfit. Record every dance they do, share it with the world without the stripper's consent. And if you got chucked out for saying something rude, you could just walk back into again if you wore a Groucho Marx disguise. Well basically this is what being on here feels like. Please can access be given to all the women that work here to permanently block users and any new accounts they create.