Suggestion/Request for Hardcore Thai Chat!
sayvia > 12/05/2012, 12:10
Hi All!!!!
Fisrtly, if this is the wrong place to start this new thread, I will say I'm still new to the forum, I did searches etc and even browsed a fair bit, and couldn't find a place for suggestions, which might mean I didn't search hard enough so if this thread needs to be reallocated, can a moderator please do so without executing me!!!
So, in short, the thread subject says it all. I must be unlucky cos every morning I come onto Rampant (like NOW) the UK Babes are taking a break, as they only have 1 babe on from 3-11ish, which is fair enough from lack of demand at that time, and obviously a babe needs to take a break, but heck, free sex 24/7?
That is why I suggest Hardcore Thai Chat! used to do it years ago, it's a different time zone, I used to complain on a different forum (lol coughbabeforumcough) about how though I love UK babes, Charmaine is the only Non White (Yes there are European babes like Chloe, and I don't know what Tamara and Lucy/Sitara are in honesty!) So this would be awesome.
i would also add I have a BA in Media, and I've worked as a producer on independent films (yes ok, it's not the same) so I'd even have the experience and qualifications to do this *requests free ticket to thailand* I should add I also speak a few far east languages, and could learn thai easily (I watch enough muay thai films lol). Ok that's enough I think, please don't kill me!!!