RE: Sexstation
GrandDuke > 07/04/2018, 16:48
I guess the problem with shows that lets people see lots for free, is that people try and do just that and nothing else. Everyone is waiting for everyone else to call bar themselves. You can see it on the chat box every day, guys begging girls to show and asking others to call.
Whenever someone challenges them to call instead, they are always out of credit, phone line not working, girl is engaged; you name it they have every excuse in the book. Will not name names but we all know who some of them are.
I cannot ring the girls as often as i would like, as I cannot afford to. But if even half the people on the chat rang say once a week, the girls would never be off the phone and Sexstation would be going strong still. Shame really as i would have thought that there was quite a demand for a station like that from people who are not afraid to pay, as well as from freeloaders. Clearly I am wrong though with that assumption.