Crap towns.
Hilary Briss > 15/07/2013, 17:20
Now clearly places like Southampton and Huddersfield are thoroughly fucking shite, so every credit to the smarty pants that devised a revenue generating scheme to compound the misery of the poor sad saps that live in Crap Towns.
Crap Towns is a great book that tells you how shit these places are, saving you the bother of finding out for yourself. A commendable effort.
I sincerely hope that none of you poor fuckers has the misfortune to hail from the hell holes within, but if you do dont worry the Rampant schedule is looking as hot as ever.....and there is always unleashed to look forward to !
If you do live in a Crap Town dont worry......things can get worse.
RE: Crap towns.
darthpanda > 15/07/2013, 18:48
If you want to cheer yourselves after finding out you town is crap , come to coventry, so shite even the football teams gone to northampton ....... -
RE: Crap towns.
StrumSolo > 15/07/2013, 18:54
No mention of Huddersfield. Blackpool's in there though.
You a Cov fan, darth? What a bunch of rat bastards. -
RE: Crap towns.
Clitterbug > 16/07/2013, 15:02
Yes your right jesus does love me, in fact he wants me for a sunbeam!... I thought you were from the rough end of Trumpton! but your from Chigley eh! that figures, I suppose you and your friends Tarquin, Nigel and Rupert have a box at Chigley United! Where you eat your sandwich's sip your Champers and piss over the balcony onto the scum below! hardy har har! c'mon the chaps In red! score some runs before the second chukka! tally ho!!!! :D