My batman just informed my theres trouble in the suburbs, a rumbling amongst the plebs, Police reporting a rise in Hat Crimes! is one to understand one cant take a trip down Saville Row without an illegitimate sprog of ‘The Briss’ pointing at my bowler and telling it to ‘go back to its own country’ its enough to make me pull up the draw bridge and re’stock the moat with piranha!
On another note, whats this I hear of an impending summer of darkness, Teresa May becoming the first skeleton to lead the country! yet more austerity while she takes her opportunity to say ‘we are still recovering from the mess Labour left us in’ the default setting for every Tory faced fucker when backed into a corner! She might aswel use it though before the backstabbing mutinous worthless bastards of New Labour turn totally into the Tory B team.
Angela Eagle, Angela fucking Eagle my fucking arse! shes worse than Ed Moribund!
Thought Jeremy might have been able to steer the ship back to the left but that would mean the party had to actually do something other than just sit facing the vampirous old Etonians mumbling and pretending they object. Truth is the Laborious dicks don't want to be in power, its just so much easier to sit back, moan, scratch their arses and wonder what there gonna spend their £74,000 pocket money on!
Just one more thing before I go, did you see Blair performing his master class of concern after Chilcot ? even more pregnant pauses than usual with the added bonus of a slightly breaking voice, almost had me in tears along with him.
That complete twat has more blood on his hands than Jason Voorhees!
That's all folks.
Scotty/Fmr enjoy the girls, enjoy the summer.
Briss, you just fuckoff you Manc cunt!