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Organiser of ‘Storm Area 51’ is shitting himself over ‘out of control’ joke!

19/07/2019, 11:40
Post: #1
Organiser of ‘Storm Area 51’ is shitting himself over ‘out of control’ joke!
Unless you’ve been living under a rock  you will have heard about the plan to storm Area 51 to uncover the government’s secrets. What started out as a bit of online banter on Facebook with a few hundred people attending, quickly snowballed into a mass event with a whopping 1.5 million people saying they’re up for storming the gates. 

[Image: 2oseg] 

However, it wasn’t meant to go down like this, as Organiser Matty Roberts reveals:  
Quote:I posted it on June 27th and it was kind of a joke.
And then it waited for like three days, like 40 people, and then it just completely took off, out of nowhere.
It’s pretty wild.I was just like, the FBI is going to show up at my house, and it got a little spooky from there.
I just thought it would be a funny idea for the meme page.And it just took off like wildfire.
It’s entirely satirical though, and most people seem to understand that.
Here’s the description on the Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop Us All, Facebook page: 
Quote:We will all meet up at the Area 51 Alien Center tourist attraction and coordinate our entry.
If we naruto run, we can move faster than their bullets. Lets see them aliens.
Obviously it was all said in a jokey way, but it clearly ignited something in people and whether it was intended as a joke, it’s pretty darn serious now. Even all the local hotels are fully booked.

Just wondering how it’s all going to go down. I know most people will bottle it, but you know there will always be those die-hard nutters willing to die for their cause. It’s been pretty interesting to watch it all unfold but also kinda scary. It’s the first glimpse into an Internet-based revolution which is both liberating and terrifying. Guess we’ll just have to wait until September 20th to find out how it pans out. Yikes!

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