smellsfunny > 26/02/2014, 19:58
its not entirley the same thing but does have a baring on the overall state of play
both logan and wendel give some good info in this tek syndicate webisode. well worth 25 mins of your day...
the more people that see this the better because they wont be fooled into thinking its netflix's fault there being robbed by comcast and others because comcast refuse to upgrade there networks. even though they took billions from the american tax payers to do it.
dont think this wont affect us in the uk either. sooner or later a uk isp will try the same thing and if cameron gets his way it will happen... remember the filters he just had introduced under claims of protecting children from porn....
the filters that not only block porn but other stuff 2... well he's now back in parliment wanting whitelists because the black list failed which means if you dont pay to be on the white list you wont appear on the web. like i said it has nothing to do with protecting kids and everything to do with censorship for profit.