Not worth it!
PurpleRonnie > 09/03/2013, 01:24
OK, in brief, I'm not bothering with BSX for the following reasons.
too little live girl/too much pre recorded crap.
too many porn models and no decent babestation models
I love the babestation girls who push their limits. Jade Samantha was ideal, but they binned her. Her last few nights, I think she was paired with the likes of Lacey, and the problem with that is that Lacey will always try and dominate everything, the cameras, the phones. It gets so annoying, she was on with Stevie Louise the other day, and by the end, she was taking over again, despite Stevie being brilliant and so much better, runnign solo for a while and really well too.
so Jade was doomed to lose out. The last night , she didnt even have a bloody phone. 3 girls, 2 phones, never gonna be fair !
But anyway, theres other girls, Kelly Carter, Brookie, to name but two. They dont have to do open leg, nude would be great, the main thing is, they are babestation girls.
what I hate these porn starts being brought in, promising full on sex, which never happens. Its just shite!
I think its trying to pander to those that keep posting elsewhere, that they want harder stuff. Problem is, they will never be happy, so give up on them!
I also hate all this drop recorded stuff with peter otool and sensi.
They cant show anything, so why bother. and we want girls, not blokes!
this asia season, thats just utter shite that bsx bought dirt cheap just to pad the night out.
OK, the 2 x 2hr sections works better I think, but it needs the babestation girls! not porn stars.
Stevie Louise, Lacey, Beth, Kelly C, Brookie, all ideal
thats what I'm waiting for!