RE: Not able to use my credits
GrandDuke > 06/04/2018, 16:46
Hi dVious. I raised the issue on the 1st April but no-one has got back to me. You will see it in VIP Express Support with no replies against it.
When I rang the freephone number I was asked for my pin which i entered and whether I wanted to speak to an on screen girl. Once I had got past that I was asked to enter the pin number for the girl which i did. The pin number I entered was the same on TV and on Rampant so there should not have been a problem.
However, the girl never attempted to answer her phone, so I assume it was not ringing at her end. At my end all I got was silence. I waited patiently until finally giving up after about a minute. In case it was a blip I tried again, as I was desperate to speak to her, but the identical thing happened again. Having lost 3 or 4 minutes of credit I just gave up and reported it as stated earlier.