can not believe there is no more g/g unleashed that is why i become a vip .so disappointed ?
RE: no more g/g unleashed
carl1984 > 08/10/2013, 20:36
Where did you hear that there was no more g/g shows???? I have not heard or seen anything anywhere to say that unleashed was going to be b/g only?
RE: no more g/g unleashed
Hilary Briss > 08/10/2013, 20:38
Where was this announced ?
RE: no more g/g unleashed
bazza691000 > 09/10/2013, 09:50
the girls said last week when i asked on the message board when there is going to be a g/g unleashed and they said no more g/g cause they are not getting the following.
RE: no more g/g unleashed
carl1984 > 09/10/2013, 20:44
Well I guess that doesn't mean there won't be some g/g shows on an unofficial basis though. It is fair enough if there is not a following for them why would they continue them as a paid show
RE: no more g/g unleashed
dellboy2704 > 10/10/2013, 09:40
If you look at the recent video of Kiki and Yuffie , Yuffie said she would let Kiki fist her on unleashed so I can't wait for this
RE: no more g/g unleashed
carl1984 > 10/10/2013, 20:28
I can take or leave either of those two girls, wishlist for unleashed shows would be taylor jay, jacey bell, karina currie, carmel cox and Delilah dash (if she can be signed up)