new chat
MagicMikey > 17/01/2023, 07:10
What on earth is going on with the new chat rules...?
So now you cant send messages if you currently have no credits...doesn't matter that you may have just spent them all there and then you now cannot message afterwards..
If a girl pm's you then you cannot reply
Being a VIP makes no difference.....what actually is the point of vip now ? Is there actually any perks ?? Can't pm, dont get any unique vip top up bonus.
At least make it so if you had credit in the past 48 hours or something you can still chat....or you know make it so vip can still at least pm and have some worth to it.
With the latest drop in the last promo code where you guys took 10% off top up bonus this is just getting more and more greedy. -
RE: new chat
spitefulI > 17/01/2023, 16:46
Hi Mikey,
I have passed this on. I'll let you know when I have more information about this. -
RE: new chat
claydavis > 18/01/2023, 00:28
I'm sure the tech geniuses Rampant will sort it out for us VIPs to have full unlimited access to the freechat and any other little glitches. I've briefly seen a few babes say that they don't understand why they get so many users constantly watching their shows from start to finish but never spend any money. There are a lot of users that will ask Tanya to send them a PM, and when she replies that they have to send her a buzz first, they never give one or just say in the freechat what question they were going to ask her in a PM. I jokingly wrote in her freechat that Mr P needs to make a £5 send a PM button. So maybe it's a new thing to deter time wasting users that just lurk all day everyday, constantly ask questions and give compliments, but never call, cam or buzz a babe. I don't understand why guys just don't log on, top up and spend their money. The whole point of the shows is that they're interactive. It's not hard to at least send a babe a tip or buzz, if you're watching her show, it's their job after all and also a gentlemanly sign of appreciation for amazing shows they do. -
RE: new chat
Viceversa > 18/01/2023, 10:32
I have the same problem as well, SW89 and Invermilarne and yes it is annoying cos you can lose the thread of the chat when you lose all the messages.
@ Claydavis. You are always going to get those people, Clay. They are only on here to watch for free. Yes, some will comment but that is all, the rest of the time their hands stay firmly in their pockets along with their cash. All mouth and no trousers comes to mind. I would think its the same on all these kinds of sites. But as long as they arent breaking any rules, there is not a lot that can be done.
My only other comment about the chat would be, if it aint broke, dont fix it and for me, and no doubt, everyone else, there was nothing really wrong with the chat. -
RE: new chat
JOHNUK123 > 18/01/2023, 11:14
You can spend a load of money on a girl by phone but can't chat to her so time to go elsewhere for me. The new system has ruined it for me. -
RE: new chat
FantasticMR > 18/01/2023, 11:47
Hey All,
Thanks for letting us know what you’re experiencing with chat. We’ll be applying a bug fix within the next hour so that you do not continue to experience this issue. -
RE: new chat
InverMilarne > 18/01/2023, 18:08
Thanks folks. The chats seem to be retaining the history like before from what I can see. Maybe it’s because I am on iPhone but anyone else having same issue where the message you type posts but also remains in the entry box and you need to manually delete? Before when you posted it cleared out the entry box. -
RE: new chat
JOHNUK123 > 18/01/2023, 20:27
Nothing has changed if you ring a girl you can't even say thanks at the end, hopeless, why break something that was fine it just drives people away like me. -
RE: new chat
InverMilarne > 18/01/2023, 21:16
The history is being retained is the point I had flagged up John, so something has changed. The bug fix they referenced I doubt was meant to fix the credits issue you are flagging up. I agree though it seems very harsh to have such a strict cut off in place for people who are no doubt spending decent amounts of money.