My VIP account normally auto-top-ups by SMS. But this month it coincided with low credit, so it failed. Will it retry and if so when? Or would you be so kind as to intervene or advise me how to get it to work?
RE: Monthly PAYG VIP Topup failed
FantasticMR > 02/05/2018, 11:23
Hey oooo,
Just getting the answer for you.
RE: Monthly PAYG VIP Topup failed
FantasticMR > 02/05/2018, 12:02
Hey oooo,
When the SMS billing fails we will not attempt to collect again, you will need to sign up as a VIP again manually.
All the best, fMR.
RE: Monthly PAYG VIP Topup failed
tony2907 > 03/06/2018, 10:57
My VIP status has been removed yet it is set to top-up automaticly each month can you please have a look at this tell me whats gone wrong Thankyou