This morning I have noticed that it is very difficult to move past the first page of the Locker video section. If you click on the arrow for next page or if you select page 2 or 3 directly it directs you to a particular video which starts to play instead. If I go back and try again it works provided that I have cleared out the address bar beforehand of the video specific code.
You may not be aware of this so I thought that I ought to bring it to your attention as it may be stopping a lot of people from accessing anything other than page 1.
RE: Locker video section not working correctly
FantasticMR > 11/03/2021, 13:51
Thanks very much, we’ll get this looked into.
RE: Locker video section not working correctly
FantasticMR > 11/03/2021, 15:44
That’s now been sorted. Thanks agin for the heads up. I hope you enjoy your new VIP package.
RE: Locker video section not working correctly
zzksx!jjjjj > 11/03/2021, 16:23
Thanks for sorting out the problem with the Locker section and I can confirm that I can now see that I am a VIP on here. But I still cannot see VIP Express Support so has that been discontinued now?
My problem with being unable to view VIP videos still continues though. Hopefully this can be resolved soon as well.
RE: Locker video section not working correctly
FantasticMR > 11/03/2021, 16:28
The VIP express support section can be found here:
But despite being logged in when I click on the video, it appears to log me out when I get to the next screen.
This is what is at the top right of my screen but the Login/ Register does not have a link behind it as no hand appears if I put the cursor on it.