RE: loans
stjohn66 > 03/05/2021, 14:12
Hi Hardick. thanks for your input. i completely get where you are coming from with other site members having access to vids that paying VIPs from this site have made. I do not like non-members having access to our vids. as far as that goes. the members of other sites already have access to our vids for free , they do not need to sign in just go to the rampant page and they can watch our vids ( excluding VIP only vids ) so the vids i am talking about would be exclusive to VIPS and also we would have access to studio66 vids, which non-members of studio66 cannot watch which is unlike the non-members of Rampant who can watch rampant vids without signing up as i have said.
stjohn -
RE: loans
Outlaw87 > 03/05/2021, 16:35
I have thought about this in the past tbh, it's us VIP members who make the recordings in the video/locker sections, so realistically it should only be VIP members that can access/watch them, or add them favourites etc -
RE: loans
stjohn66 > 03/05/2021, 23:01
outlaw thanks for your comments.What you say makes a lot of sense, 'only VIPS contribute to the locker so only VIPs can watch' ( I am paraphrasing but i think that is the gist ) i am in 2 minds about that. I have seen an awful lot of members non-VIPs give a lot in tips, so if they are contributing to the channel and to the girls i myself have been a VIP a few times and then drifted to non-VIP status and back again. when non-VIP i have chosen to wait for the offers to buy tokens and often buy more than when a VIP. and there is the chance that someone who is a member may always be tempted to buy credits and contribute. what i am against is non-members who do not even have to sign in can access the locker. it may be argued that the locker is an advert for the girls but the channels themselves are that. some members are freeloaders but i think all non-members are freeloaders and restricting them from accessing our locker (as other channels do , studio 66 for example ) would be a good move. force them to join up . even a one off payment before using the locker.
but back to my original plan. set up a relationship with Studio66 where they can visit rampant locker ( as all non-members can at present) but we can visit studio 66. it is bad enough watching the girls with no chance of communicating with them. at least if we had seen a couple of vids and knew what they got up to we may be tempted to give them a call.
stjohn -
RE: loans
stjohn66 > 12/09/2021, 01:44
yes. i am raising this issue again. i will keep raising it until i get support and we will see which of us get tired of it first.
stjohn -
RE: loans
stjohn66 > 30/10/2021, 15:47
yes back on the 'LOANS' .
to re-cap for those of you new to this thread. i suggest a loan systime whereby BS gets a s66 girl for a month and s66 get a BS girl in exchange. which would increase the fan base of many of the girls.
the repeated opposition that has been raised in the chat was that the girls would be going in to a different studio and not know anyone or have to travel a greater distance which we all know these days is a non-sense as the girls can stream from virtually ( sic ) anywhere.
I am driven to raise this once again as i have now seen Nicole Knight ( one of my all time favourites ) is on s66 so i am left with little choice but to join S 66 and probably leave BS.