RE: Lik OMG 911 was deffo an inside job - and here is the proof !
dVIOUS > 12/11/2013, 15:23
RE: Lik OMG 911 was deffo an inside job - and here is the proof !
Hilary Briss > 16/11/2013, 11:42
(12/11/2013, 14:31)FantasticMR Wrote:
(12/11/2013, 14:20)Hilary Briss Wrote:
(12/11/2013, 14:13)FantasticMR Wrote:
(12/11/2013, 14:11)ScottyRampant Wrote:
(12/11/2013, 14:08)FantasticMR Wrote: Whilst you folk were in the dark ages looking at it like the earliest copy of Grand Theft Auto I choose to use google earth to uncover the real truth about what happened that day.
Explain this then!
That's just what the media/Illuminati want you to believe. Just passing over. No no no Scotty, if we take our press passes or Blue Peter badges to that site now, I guarantee you'll find a plane parked beneath that building. The only question is....
What's the cargo?
Bullshit FagFox.
Anyone can see this is a Nip military kamikazi drone. They are after our military secrets and our freedom............................you can see the rising sun symbol on the tail of the plane.
Nonsense. You're thinking of one of these.
So Lord Briss happened to be in That London this week and took himself down to Russell Square for a bit of a nosey. (pics to follow)
Now being That London there was all manner of shifty swarthy types milling around looking suspicious. Lets just say I dont think that we are the only chaps following this line of enquiry. Her Majesties Govt is very generous letting all these foreign agents into Blighty. Heaven knows what dastardly designs they are plotting. If its anything to do with that Middleton girl they can bloody well think again !
Anyway Russell Square. No sign of any baggage handlers, or BA hotties wafting through the Square. At one point I thought I spotted a Virgin, but on closer inspection she was clearly an imposter. No wiff of aviation fuel, and no duty free, and not a nip in sight.
So do we conclude that the the conspirators simply wanted to lure Briss into Russell Square ? Was that virgin part of an elaborate honey trap ?
:@ -
RE: Lik OMG 911 was deffo an inside job - and here is the proof !
StrumSolo > 18/11/2013, 10:43
They've moved it, haven't they.
Shifty bastards. -
RE: Lik OMG 911 was deffo an inside job - and here is the proof !
dVIOUS > 18/11/2013, 12:33
RE: Lik OMG 911 was deffo an inside job - and here is the proof !
StrumSolo > 18/11/2013, 12:48
Oop, my bad.