JFK. Conspiracy solved. At last the truth.
Hilary Briss > 12/11/2013, 14:50
So the truth was indeed out there.
I for one believe every word of it. -
RE: JFK. Conspiracy solved. At last the truth.
StrumSolo > 12/11/2013, 14:56
So it was God what did it?
That's their answer for everything. -
RE: JFK. Conspiracy solved. At last the truth.
RussyRover > 12/11/2013, 16:01
Who are we to dispute the facts, especially if Obi Wan says so...
lol, some classic sites here, don't you just love Americans....
https://www.PriestsRapeBoys.com/ -
RE: JFK. Conspiracy solved. At last the truth.
carl1984 > 13/11/2013, 21:12
The yanks, bless them they love three things in life, their own country, supersize portions and a good old conspiracy theory, especially one involving JFK or any kennedy death for that matter lol