• How We Really Won the War!
  • How We Really Won the War!

    FantasticMR > 18/12/2013, 17:28

    [Image: 10dee]
  • RE: How We Really Won the War!

    Hilary Briss > 18/12/2013, 18:21

    The war is over ?
  • RE: How We Really Won the War!

    Clitterbug > 18/12/2013, 18:23

    [Image: 10dei]
  • RE: How We Really Won the War!

    FantasticMR > 18/12/2013, 18:50

    (18/12/2013, 18:21)Hilary Briss Wrote: The war is over ?

    I watched the Movie Iron Sky the other night. If it's to be believed, the Nazi are merely building their forces on the dark side of the moon.
  • RE: How We Really Won the War!

    lorensimon > 18/12/2013, 21:34

    Think these movies are joking.. ?

    ..employing intelligent or dry humor, teasing, having fun? To date, I am more confirmed with each assessment I make that the messages are profound and real. I spend an enormous amount of time creating graphic charts, and composites to show what and how they are doing what they’re doing. In decoding the most current films and television ‘shots’, what you assume them to be drawing from a grab bag of coincidental historical ‘toys’ to make their projects entertaining is far from accidental.

    The teacher asks the students where the Nazi’s went in 1945. “The dark side of the moon!” announce the school children. The dark side of the moon can also be the side that is fully lit during a ‘new moon’. If one lived on the Sun, s/he would consider it a full moon. This is how elusive and deceptive our educational system is and is how NASA keeps us assuming that it’s too dark to photograph. There’s a whole drawer of back side lunar shots at the UofA’s image archive room in the Kuper building. What are they hiding? (Below) Nazi’s secretly fled to Antarctica. What year did they really make it to the moon?
    Hundreds of millions of dollars are considered when creating these films. This film is a disaster on the level of character development and role playing, but it is a marvel of cinematic and digital mastery that takes time, thought, and effort to produce. A labor of love perhaps.

    [Image: where-did-we-go-the-dark-side-of-the-moo...=395&h=197]

    The Nazi’s had a sign of deception at the entry to Auschwitz “Work is Freedom”. Millions had seen this sign from the front side only once. The labor of hatred is “Iron Sky”. Sarah Palin leads US citizens into a denizen of trusting disposal of all integrity.

    [Image: antarctica.jpg]

    [Image: sarah-palin-look-a-like-composite.jpg?w=545&h=237]

    The time frame for the story and plot in the film “IRON SKY” of 2012 is 2018. This is six years from the suspected re-election of our sitting pre-dictator who signs autocratic executive orders for the time being, Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro.

    The movie has many secret society symbols
    with a plethora of messages, mostly phallic and sexual in connotations with the female reproductive system, that are blatantly displayed on screen without any explanation or any references as to why the elements are present. The references to the female, however, are not sexual in nature. Not at all. It is their signal that is coded, but deciphered means the human genome project regarding the creation of a super soldier and what they consider the perfect human being. Unfortunately for them in that they’ll hardly achieve this goal, perfection only occurs when a heart is installed and that it beats to the tune of love.

    Iron Sky is a goofy movie with goofy characters and what seems to be a goofy plot
    But don’t let that fool the viewer. This film took longer to analyze for the reason it contained twice, if not thrice, as much of the ‘Hollywood tells’ than films I’ve decoded to date.

    [Image: swastika-building-on-the-moon.jpg?w=545&h=272]

    The Easter eggs commonly found in the Occult circles are easy finds in Iron Sky. In the picture here showing the news cast during an invasion illustrates the scheme. Honestly, if an alien attack was taking place, would a newscaster be on site to report? Hell no. Not me. Unless, of course, that person is so far gone with brain death.

    The code 9:11 is used with every single false flag operation conducted since 2001. What Iron Sky is showing is Project Bluebeam is still on schedule and that it will be another 9/11.

    The movie main thrust is to sell you on the idea that Nazis are good for you. For example, Charlie Chapman who parodied the Nazi regime, is used in Iron Sky as if he promoted the party regime. This simply isn’t the truth. His film is being used retroactively to show that he was a party when actually, he was completely against it.

    There is a scene where the two main characters take over two hours to watch this Charlie Chaplin film. This is an ingenious tactic that advertises the additional viewing material to the audience members. There is no question that an Aryan intent is at play. The film Promethius proves this pointedly by using a synthetic everlasting human analogue that exhibits all the features of their perception of a perfect human. The character “David” holds the globe in his hands with envy and contempt. Who knows if the same was held Charlie Chapman or not, but it is clear that the visual correlation was installed by the film industry and then reinforced in Iron Sky and Promethius.

    [Image: 9-11.jpg?w=545][Image: chaplin-holding-the-world2.jpg?w=271&h=153]

    Mirror images are common in the secret society messages. They will provide half the symbol which would either have the other half printed or molded on the back side, or a duplicate and connected to complete the picture. Is this the Batman symbol?

    [Image: eye-of-horus-moon-earth.jpg?w=545&h=195]


    [Image: 17263544_11-11.jpg] [Image: 17263546_asteroids-hauld-to.jpg] [Image: 17263547_eye-of-horus.jpg] [Image: 17263549_gc3b6tterdc3a4mmerung-composite.jpg] [Image: 17263550_goat-symbol-on-the-earth1.jpg] [Image: 17263551_helium-3txt1.jpg] [Image: 17263554_nazi-gas-masktxt.jpg] [Image: 17263555_neo-nazi-flag-crescent-moon-and...tarsl2.jpg] [Image: 17263557_v-for-vendettatxtcaduceus.jpg]
  • RE: How We Really Won the War!

    thewolfman > 18/12/2013, 22:32

    (18/12/2013, 21:34)lorensimon Wrote: [Image: where-did-we-go-the-dark-side-of-the-moo...=395&h=197]

    I've seen her before and it took me a while to remember where it was, she was in a cafe being served by this fella......

    [Image: 10dgu]
  • RE: How We Really Won the War!

    Hilary Briss > 10/02/2014, 15:18

    I believe !
  • RE: How We Really Won the War!

    StrumSolo > 27/03/2014, 17:53

    Distracted, nay upset him with a line-up change on Football Weekly.

    To the point of defeat!

    It was Rushden wot won it.
  • RE: How We Really Won the War!

    lorensimon > 27/03/2014, 21:20

    [Image: 18399225_17z08dn56fc5ajpg.jpg] you should be awarded for your promiscuity ... [Image: 18399259_4496976.gif]
  • RE: How We Really Won the War!

    williamkcc > 28/03/2014, 07:42

    haha the first picture was funny :D and then the other posts was just O_o I hardly understood it, thats cause i only read half of the post lorensimon did xD but thats cause it was so long :( anyway the way we won the war was really..... the first post :D paper beats rock, thats how simple it is Cool great forum though!