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Feminists are mad at Dua Lipa for throwing money at strippers!

31/01/2020, 14:43
Post: #1
Feminists are mad at Dua Lipa for throwing money at strippers!
The snowflakes are on a right witch hunt for Dua Lupi today and have been started the hashtag #dualipaisoverparty after a video of the singer surfaced of her throwing money at strippers. The video features Dua at a strip club with her mates and a girl is twerking on the floor whilst Dua makes it rain money. Here’s the video:

 I’m failing to see what the issue is but apparently she’s ‘sexualising women’ a fucking strip club!!!! I know, ludicrous right?! 

[Image: 2ugoe] [Image: 2ugof] [Image: 2ugog] [Image: 2ugoh] 

Check out this bullshit from the feminazis:

[Image: 2ugoi] 

Thankfully not everyone is a fucking snowflake:

[Image: 2ugoj] 

Damn right! Stripping is a job and there’s fuck all wrong with it. I’ve been a stripper and I bloody loved having money handed to me, thrown on me, stuffed into my garter, just gimme the damn money!!! That was literally my fucking job! To make money from getting my kit off. How about we let each individual woman do what the fuck she wants to do and stop letting these aggressive feminists speak on behalf of womankind like we all uphold the same values and options on what qualifies as objectification!

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