ReedeFox > 16/01/2020, 13:58
Quote:Sometimes I will climax as it's happening. Other times it's not until later, I'll be thinking about it and I will probably masturbate to it. I know there's way worse in the world but I also can't say that I love the fact I enjoy having a woman shove my underwear up my ass and ripping my underwear off.
It's kind of like a weird thing and I'd rather have a partner don't get me wrong, but I just have really bad luck with women so I don't know how I'd be able to have that discussion with a future partner.
Quote:A while ago I had a dom who told me to go out in public and get a wedgie so I went to a store and I asked a girl. I just walk up and I would just ask and be like 'hey, do you mind if I ask you a question?'
It's weird but it's not too weird,' and they'd be like 'yeah sure,' so I would just tell them like maybe I lost a bet or something like that and they would just find it hilarious and just do it. I would tell them upfront and be like 'if you want, I'll give you some money'.
Quote:A lot of the times I'll set up like a session so it's not just getting wedgies, there's a bunch of other stuff included as well.
A lot of the times there's humiliation or bullying - I've got my head flushed in the toilet quite a few times, I've been made over and had lipstick, makeup and hair done, a lot of women - shockingly more than I ever expected - they like to do forced fem that's why I wear women's underwear.
I’ll get a text saying 'panty check' and I'll have to show that I'm wearing women's underwear. It's a lot of variations. One dom I used to talk to would have parties and a few times I got group wedgied by her friends, they actually managed to pick me up and drag me around and carry me.