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Dude has a genius life hack for saving money on bog roll

12/02/2019, 14:25 (This post was last modified: 12/02/2019, 14:27 by ReedeFox.)
Post: #1
Dude has a genius life hack for saving money on bog roll
I dunno about you but I often find myself short on bog roll at the end of the month because of the extortionate price a pack of quilted Andrex costs - said no one ever!!! 

[Image: 2m-8y]

I stumbled upon this video the other day that shows a dude coming up with a solution to a problem that doesn’t freakin exist. But if you are a touch on the stingy side or just take a lot of dumps, you might actually benefit from his genius little hack. I won’t spoil it for you by explaining what it is, I’ll just let you watch and find out for yourself:

Bet you didn’t see that coming. Pretty grim right? I hope his mates see this and make the wise choice to never eat anything he prepares! I’ll stick with my 7 sheets, cheers!

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