Dude gets plastic surgery so he can look like an Instagram filter
ReedeFox > 18/12/2019, 13:18
We all love an Instagram filter for making us look smooth and chiseled but one dude has taken his love of filters way too far by actually undergoing surgical procedures in a bid to look like an Instagram filter.
Model and influencer Levi Jed Murphy recently underwent a lip lift, temporal brow lift, and Canthoplasty to alter the shape of his eyes so he could look like his favourite filter. Hailing from Norwich, Levi unveiled his look to his 400k+ social media followers and revealed why he went ahead with the surgery. He said:
Quote:Instagram had a filter that made your face look like plastic surgery. When you're about to take a picture and the filter comes off and you see the actual face, it's kind of busted. The filter lifted up your eyes and your lip, so I thought 'this is literally an eye lift and lip lift' and I got an eye lift and lip lift.
Hmm, it ain’t a good look dude. Someone needs to tell him he looks like a warped version of Ruby Rose. He’s also a bit of a cunt too as he recently encouraged his minions to leave a shit review for Norwich menswear shop, Dogfish because they apparently sold him ‘faulty clothing.’
Hmm, I’m pretty sure you can just take something back for a refund or exchange of the goods are faulty. I can imagine him strolling in like his shit doesn’t stink and throwing the clothes in the staff members face and wondering why they didn’t treat him like a valued customer. Twat! -
RE: Dude gets plastic surgery so he can look like an Instagram filter
FantasticMR > 18/12/2019, 14:17
Sorry I read all of this and I'm still pretty sure that's Ruby Rose. Equally as hatable at least. -
RE: Dude gets plastic surgery so he can look like an Instagram filter
ReedeFox > 18/12/2019, 14:49
As hateable as he is, he still isn't as bad is this bitch:
RE: Dude gets plastic surgery so he can look like an Instagram filter
parkaner > 18/12/2019, 15:47
I was expecting to see someone with dogs ears transplanted onto his head. -
RE: Dude gets plastic surgery so he can look like an Instagram filter
nicholascam > 13/08/2021, 19:54
The desire to change your appearance can arise at absolutely any age. This means that a person wants to change and places any special expectations on the appearance. The desired changes are connected, first of all, with oneself. It may seem to a person that it is difficult to change the character or habits, and appearance is easy. For the same reason, people go to stylists and make-up artists, not to mention plastic surgery. I think there's nothing wrong with that.. But I teach my subscribers that spiritual beauty is important, not external. And thanks to the purchase of subscribers famoid.com I was able to find people who support my views. -
RE: Dude gets plastic surgery so he can look like an Instagram filter
Troyspunks101 > 03/09/2021, 00:40
Wow but this not the first time I have actually heard something like this there is the barbie guy if you heard of him his was on this morning before he is called Rodrigo Alves he wanted to be become the real life Ken doll from Barbie he had a lot of surgery and you have Oli London I have only recently heard about him wanting to be become Korea and has had a lot of surgery to try to do it, but doesn't speak a word of Korean I think he might have be the this morning also.
But this guy wondering if he just doing this for the followers and he can't love filters that much not sure what this guy was thinking.
LukeEvans_News on Twitter: "@davidwalliams @LukeEvansTalk Isn’t that the live Ken doll Rodrigo Alves?? https://t.co/Y4nW9TKTTH" / Twitter
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