Direct post the rampant TVs boss
Rifftides > 16/05/2020, 11:30
Please reconsider the dismissal of "Alice" on Asian connections, that singular person has been such a boon to the channel, and I made a huge mistake in reporting her.
No amount of remorse can justify my decision to report her, and she deserves much more repesct than I gave her.
To be young and beautiful in Thailand is not her fault, that I abuserd the channel and her, is utterly my fault.
Please can you reconsider the decision over the summearly sacking of a very kind and loving person whom made many friends and brought much joy and happiness to callers with her infectious personality and warmth.
Every person in these troubled times makes mistakes, and I surely did by reporting her.
She will become a major attraction to the channel and bring in much customers if only you can give her a chance to grow and nurture the ethos of the channel.
With guidelines set by Amy, and her understanding of what is and isn't appropriate, Alice will be the channels best asset.
I appeal to the management of Asian connections to reinstate Alice and give back a life to a very special person.