Timm24 > 20/05/2014, 15:21
trust me he WOULD let daley back in - yes daley has a good record, but dana is business first, if he had AMAZING performances, he would be let back in. and i say that remembering full well that dana said that even if paul goes away becomes the best ever fighter we'd never let him back in, that's bullshit, they would. they'd make up a story and let him back in.
look at how two faced he is about TRT - when it wasn't banned he was all deflecting saying shit like "i'm tired about talking about it, or i'm pissed off at this or that", but now it's banned, suddenly he's all "glad it's over" and stopped talking about vitor the same as he did before. dana will change on a dime if there's money in it lol
do you know what kinda odds they're giving dillashaw lol?