OK, we've seen how BSX was relaunched, lots of plans, promises and hopes.
the reality was some really good shows, some really bad shows (Tiff and CharlieC balloon show was my lowpoint)
some of the 'longer term girls' were consistent and good, some were taking the piss.
the new girls were similar. some were great, and well up for it, couldnt get naked and spread em quick enough, some were well not up for it and stayed covered, big time.
one or two kept to their word and one or two promises all sorts and never delivered, and almost to the point of sticking two fingers up.
so BSX has had highs and lows.
the On Screen Graphics have been a pain in the arse, and just too big.
the text messages have been good and bad, some girls replied to each one fully and some just ignore them. There were spme good messages and some just crap.
One I recall, asking Camilla to shove her finger up her arse! Her reply was spot on. That the sender hadnt added his name, she wasnt allowed to do that anyway, and so maybe he could shove his finger up his arse lol I chuckled at this :)
so the main issues have been inconsistences.
To be fair, they seemed to struggle to get girls that would do open leg. But some of the 'daytime' or new girls that wouldnt, were then offering pics by text, open legs! (Maddison) so this just confused matters.
and £5 per night! just too much, given that the shows were inconsistent, were 4 x 40mins and we had to put up wit some prety dire filler content in the form of repeated softcore flicks. The new material was way to soft in general and would have been more suitable for free to air channels.
OK, so what now?
Who knows! but if I could suggest a few ideas:
1. Bin the filler crap
2. Have the girls on 30mins, 5-10min break, then 30 again, all the way through.You make more money from girls in the studio that dross films no one cares about
3. Mix the girls up a bit. ie have maybe 4-6 girls rotate between one shift on bsx each and the rest on the FTA channels. That would give the variety, so if one girl doesnt float ya boat, another will be there on 30mins.
4. Have 2 girls at a time, ideal for interaction . 3 was a waste because the cam time per girl was too low.
5. Reduce the size of the OnScreen Graphics (here's one way to do it
6. Drop it to £3 per night, the increase in customer numbers will cover the lower profit per customer. and with more in, more texts!
7. Maybe split the night up. £2 from 11.30 to 2.30 and then £2 for 2.30 to 4.30 and £3 for the whole night.
8. The girls have got to do at least nude. recruit more girls in, from other sites or outside of BS. They dont have to be known girls, just attractive and willing to do the levels. Put a known eg Beth, with an unknown. Beth could show the girl the ropes.
I think that, with consistency in the content, and a lower price option, I think this could work well.