• 77,754,577,071st
  • 77,754,577,071st

    Hilary Briss > 12/07/2013, 10:53

    So according to the BBC I am the 77,754,577,071st person to have been born since history began, and when I was born there was 3,647,836,430st other individuals already here messing up gods fabulous creation.

    The BBC also reckons my life expectancy is 77.4 years.

    So it looks as though I will be around for quite awhile. Lord Briss is here for keeps you miserable bunch of suckers !

    If you want the BBC to tell you how long you have got left, click here :


    Now fMR, dVious et al, please dont break the site. It clearly states no mashuganas or gaylords, and as you fit into both categories I would be mighty carefull if I was you.

    Clitterbug - it probably wont work for you either as you is clearly a "special case".

    Now obviously no thread is complete without pictures, so here is a picture of the bastard love child of dVious and fMR. I did warn them to be careful.......

    [Image: xcrn.jpg]
  • RE: 77,754,577,071st

    Clitterbug > 12/07/2013, 11:21

    [Image: 16213597_Reg-Dean_2444572b.jpg] Just had a go, according to auntie Beebs calculations I was here for the big bang! and will be for all eternity! coz don't you now life is just a circle and we are all one on gods good earth, amen!

    By the way the dvious/fmr hybrid looks like our dog shaved! dos it want a shag for Saturday night? our dogs got an itchy arse!
  • RE: 77,754,577,071st

    FantasticMR > 12/07/2013, 11:49

    We only created that abomination to make sure that you don't get your full 77 years Briss. Your days are numbered.
  • RE: 77,754,577,071st

    Clitterbug > 12/07/2013, 13:30

    [Image: 16216750_009.JPG] [Image: 16216754_untitled.png] So then do the proud parents wanna breed their bastard pig with our Mollie? we could enter the pups/piglets into Crufts, if they don't win anything take them round to Dewhursts for sausages!