• Babes to call
  • Babes to call

    Fatherdraw > 02/06/2021, 19:15

    Hello. I have not called a babe in ages and I was looking for some suggestions. Some babes I’ve been thinking about calling are the likes of delia rose and Bella mendez being the main two I have in mind, and Aemelia fox whenever she is on. I think delia is the one I’ll call, would she be the best on at the moment or should I look out for some other babes
    Appreciate the help lads?
  • RE: Babes to call

    Fatherdraw > 03/06/2021, 01:07

    Hey mate. Appreciate that. I won’t lie I’ve never even really looked at them channels before so I’ll definitely keep an eye out for those two, and I’ll take your word for it that they are good haha
  • RE: Babes to call

    MrNick > 03/06/2021, 12:48

    Nova Flash looks a lovely new one....never seen her before