At What time can you start real Adult Chat on Redlight ?
At What time can you start real Adult Chat on Redlight ?
At What time can you start real Adult Chat on Redlight ?
bencat > 19/03/2013, 10:08
Funny I would have thought this had been asked before but did a search and nothing came up. I know that during the day if you ring any of the shows that you are not allowed to have full adult chat as you can in the evening. Does anyone know at what time the rules change ? I saw the other day that a Lady I have wanted to talk to for a while was on in the middle shift to 21.00 but at waht time can you really get filthy with the Ladies ?
RE: At What time can you start real Adult Chat on Redlight ?
raylovschicks > 19/03/2013, 23:36
it was 10pm my friend..but it MIGHT have changed...
RE: At What time can you start real Adult Chat on Redlight ?
Timm24 > 19/03/2013, 23:43
i think it's 9pm for the chat and 10pm for the tits to come out. I THINK that's the way it works, not 100%.
because i know that's why they often keep fernanda on for an hour extra from 9pm-10pm, so that she can talk filth but doesn't get the tits out yet...
RE: At What time can you start real Adult Chat on Redlight ?
bencat > 20/03/2013, 10:45
Thanks to both of you for the reply but it does seem that this is a little bit of a grey area . Is there any way to find out for certain and definitve ? I will give the website a good look over and see if they say anything there. I do know that as you say it is tits out after 10.00 but no mention of the change in chat .
RE: At What time can you start real Adult Chat on Redlight ?
ukbicur > 23/03/2013, 11:23
Do any of the girls help you out during the day? Some of these must get a little horny?
RE: At What time can you start real Adult Chat on Redlight ?
jackk > 25/03/2013, 13:41
Hi It is about 9 O clock when you can I bet you can get away with a little bit of naughtiness before though but you cant see tits until ten :(