RE: Amy
GrandDuke > 21/12/2018, 13:18
I had my chat intact for much of today which is not too surprising I guess, seeing as I have not had chance to be logged into Amy's stream for much of it. However any benefit of the doubt that I gave her that she is not behind the disabling of my chat disappeared today.
The chat was up and I started to read it when I walked into the room. It was almost as she could see me doing it, as she disabled me at that very instant for the second day in a row. What are the odds on that? I counted 15 seconds which is the usual time delay with the stream and I saw her type something on the keyboard which would have coincided with the moment I was disabled.
So now there is no doubt. But massive odds that the chat disappeared before my eyes, within a second of starting to read it when it had already been up for hours, on 2 days running.