RE: Alice
GrandDuke > 07/11/2018, 12:54
The only hope is that there was a man with some sort of tool on screen when the stream was turned off by Amy. If it was being shut down you would imagine the girls would have been told to not bother coming in, rather than closing it when they are sat there.
It may just be a studio move of course but bearing in mind the suddenness of the closure, my best guess is that this is a guy who came to fix the stream but this requires some new hardware to be installed, as opposed to tweaking some settings. Closing the stream would then be a necessity and may explain why it all suddenly came to a stop with girls sat there about to start work. If he had the part with him it may be up and running later today or maybe tomorrow. If he has just come to have a look and assess what is needed, it seems hardly necessary to turn off the stream completely.
That is a positive spin on what may be happening. Problem is that without a stream there is no chat box, so Amy cannot tell us what is happening and she is not allowed here to tell us either.