has Sophia Lares got the best arse on tv
john343 > 15/03/2013, 23:26
just watching Sophia Lares tonight and seeing her arse has made me think has anyone got a better arse its perfect in size colour smoothness
RE: has Sophia Lares got the best arse on tv
Timm24 > 15/03/2013, 23:35
no doubt sophia is one of the best babes on TV and she is one of my favourites, but unfortunately I have to say no, shes does not have THE best ass. one of the best tho... -
RE: has Sophia Lares got the best arse on tv
john343 > 15/03/2013, 23:49
who would u say has a better arse than this beauty? -
RE: has Sophia Lares got the best arse on tv
Clitterbug > 15/03/2013, 23:56
Very nice m8 yeah, but i do have a great affection for Jaye Rose's beuty! i do luv a nice big wobbley 1! -
RE: has Sophia Lares got the best arse on tv
Timm24 > 16/03/2013, 00:48
jaye rose i agree has a better ass, i think paige turnah has a better ass.
better is such a strong word though. they're just different lol in ways more preferable to myself.
to be honest i could not say who has the ABSOLUTE best ass anyway. but yea paige and jaye are up there.
here's one thing - if sophia was to use as much oil on her ass as she does on her boobs, THAT would move her up lol -
RE: has Sophia Lares got the best arse on tv
Clitterbug > 16/03/2013, 00:54
Well Timm i dont have to say anything to you about PT! if there was you, me n PT locked in a room and shes only gonna entertain 1 of us, theres gonna be a fight! lol! the reason i went for JR is coz shes on Rampant an i do enjoy my calls to the Princess of Wales! -
RE: has Sophia Lares got the best arse on tv
john343 > 16/03/2013, 14:39
gotta say the oil idea is amazing definatly be good to see more of arse oiled up jaye rose and paige do have great asses but still think sophia has a better one but do love staring at all 3 lol
RE: has Sophia Lares got the best arse on tv
jackk > 24/03/2013, 17:10
I actually voted no because I think she has a really nice ass but it's not the best I like tori lee I think she is called on babestation that is an ass! -
RE: has Sophia Lares got the best arse on tv
massiveman > 24/03/2013, 19:07
Yes that is defo a fantastic ass, but I don't think it is the best,personally jaye rose and Karelia Simon and a couple other have better asses, not better, jus slightly different, a ass is an ass, it all depends on your taste,but don't get me wrong a very very lovly ass none the less